Hello readers,
It has been quite a while. I want to take a moment to sincerely apologize for my absence for the last three months while I have been completing the last semester of my master’s degree program. Really, I would like to apologize for the last six months of my fleeting, and then non-existent presence. Around mid-March, my life took off in the craziest, most unexpected way possible, and I am really excited to finally be able to tell you about it.
The Job
Right before spring break, I received a second-round, in-person interview for a dream job position in Washington D.C. If you remember, this semester has been incredibly hectic for me as I took an overload of classes (four instead of three) in order to graduate on time with both my M.A. in Public History and a graduate certificate in museum and gallery management. So, I had been looking forward to relaxing and recharging over spring break. But of course, as soon as I got the email. I was ready to go. The interview went incredibly well, and by the end of March, I was offered the job. I am pleased to announce that I will be starting at the Daughters of the American Revolution National Headquarters in July as a Genealogist. Genealogy has been such a big part of my life ever since my dad and I started putting together the Hammer side of the family tree when I was a kid, and I have used genealogical research heavily in my research fellowships, internships, and other historical research projects over the last decade and a half. I could not be more pleased to join the DAR team after I graduate.
Speaking of graduation…
I officially graduate next week!!! I had my last day of classes yesterday, and it felt so surreal to think that this was very likely the last day of official academic classes that I will ever take. I don’t know if I will return to get my doctorate sometime in the future (definitely open to it if the circumstances are right), but I am really, really looking forward to being done with academic life for now. I have been working my ass off since I was in high school (honestly, before that; nerd kid here), and I think it will be nice to have a break from that to focus on my personal projects, both in the writing world and in the public history career development world.
So where have I been the last three months? Well, essentially doing coursework. And more coursework. And searching for an apartment in the D.C. area. And doing more coursework. The biggest push came between the end of March and this last week of April. All of my courses’ final project deadlines all overlapped with each other, which, when I looked at it far away on a calendar, I thought it was going to be fine. Spoiler alert: it was not fine. Out of all the work, out of all the semesters I have been through in my life, I can honestly say that this was the hardest one. There were several moments where I broke down and thought there was absolutely no way everything was going to get done. I am someone who has always given my all to every assignment or project that I undertake, but at those times, there were moments where I was anxious about getting things completed, not just good. On top of this, I spent the first full week of April at the National Council on Public History’s (NCPH) annual conference as an panelist and a representative of the digital history project that I have been a graduate research assistant on for the last two years, Sharing Stories from 1977. AND THEN, simultaneously, my final master’s portfolio needed to be compiled and completed. Oh, and then defended last week.
Though I don’t want to make excuses for not at least communicating a bit to you all… I hope you can see why I was not able to.
But at the end of it all… all that work was well worth it.
Achievements of the Last Week
I successfully defended my master’s portfolio and passed with distinction, which is the highest level that you can achieve in the graduate world. I am incredibly proud of the culmination of my work. So much so, that for the first time, I would like to share some of that work with my readers. I have created a new tab on my website with many of my favorite pieces from my portfolio that I would love for you to take a look at if you are interested. Feel free to share thoughts and comments with me via email or the contact form on my website too! This is a bit of a taste of the other side of my life and the career that I am entering into.
I found an apartment! My fiancé and I just signed a lease yesterday, and once we get the deposits sorted out in the next few days, we will be good to go. Of course, this means now we have to figure out moving things… (The horror…)
I have completed two out of four of my finals in my coursework. The last two are in progress with at least one due by 5 pm on Friday. I hope to have both finals turned in on Friday (we’ll see how that goes).
What’s Next?
Once these finals are finished, I am now faced with recalibrating where my book release schedule stands. I also feel the need to really spend some time on my newsletters and my social media profiles, reengaging with my audience and building up a bit more momentum. You all have been fantastic in keeping the word about my books circulating all this time, but it’s time for me to take on my role as a communicator and as a writer again. Priority #1 is to recalibrate where I am with Ashes and Arrows, get production back on track, and get a new release date pinned down. More on that to come in the very near future.
Thank you all for your patience and continued support of me and my stories. Talk to you all soon! Happy reading!
Cady Hammer