As much as it pains me to have to move things again, I wanted to be 100% transparent with my readers. Between the work I completed during my Fort Ticonderoga fellowship and the abrupt transition I had coming back to start classes, I have had very little time and focus to be able to put enough work into my books to release them on time. At the same time, I was without my medication the entire time I was in New York due to federal and state regulations, and I am just now getting back on them, which comes with all kinds of lovely side effects. Overall, I am tired. So, I would rather delay release dates and put out the same quality of books that you are all used to than try to rush the revision processes and release something subpar.
Because of this, here is the current plan. Ashes and Arrows is the priority. This means that I will be pouring the bulk of my energy into that project to get it out on time in Janaury 2024, give or take a month. After that, The Ivy Labyrinth serial fiction project and volumes are the next priority. I know it has been several months without a new episode, and I am in the midst of reconfiguring my outline and rereading sections to dive back into the story and the characters. I will also be putting out bonus content related to that series as an apology to my readers who have been waiting for a long time. The Chasing Fae prequel, Chasing Truth, is in the revision process and will take the third priority. None of the additional projects scheduled for 2024, most of which have not been announced yet, are being put on hold until these three priorities are either completed or in a stage of production that I feel comfortable with piling more on.
Thank you for your understanding!