Today is the day, my friends. Chasing Fae is finally live!
In January of 2018, this book was nothing more than an idea and a handful of strange notes on a Notability page. Now, two and a half years later, it is a beautiful, genuine book that can be read by all. And already has its first five star review! There is so much that I want to say, but the words well up in my throat every time I try to type them.
Thank you so much for your time and support throughout this writing journey. When I introduced myself to you in January 2019, I was a girl with a dream and a first draft. You stuck with me through the entire revision process and the start of my querying process to literary agents. You celebrated with me when New Degree Press greenlit my manuscript for publication. Between social media, guest posts, and podcast appearances, you have given me so much encouragement and helped me discover my public voice as an author.
I finally reached my dream. I published my first book as a young college student.
And I am nowhere near done. From here on out, it’s all bright beautiful skies.
I hope you all pick up a copy of Chasing Fae today!
Amazon Kindle *** special offer: $0.99 from now until August 31st ***