This website will be more than just a place for writers to learn and perfect the craft of fantasy writing. I want to introduce the world in which my novel, Chasing Fae, will be set: The Three Realms. It’s definitely evolving as I write, but the major pieces will remain the same. I want to bring you, my readers, into the fold of a world that until this very moment, has only been in my imagination and on the pages of a Google Docs document. I am working weaving in a lot of details as I move forward with revisions, but of course, I won’t be able to weave in every single aspect without the writing feeling like a bunch of infodumping (which is something you want to avoid and will be touched upon in a later post).
I want my audience to be absorbed in my world before the book even releases (and before it’s even picked up by an agent). It would be a great indicator if my story is worth telling.
First, however, I should probably explain what my novel is about. Below is my current query summary. Let me know if it’s any good in the comments below. (Summary Updated July 11th, 2019)
Chasing Fae
Grace Richardson is a young mortal woman whose only concerns are providing for her family, playing her violin, and spending as much time as possible with her brother, Leo. When Leo goes into service in the Fae’s world as a mercenary, she expects him to return with the honor that he deserves.
When Leo suddenly dies in an unspecified accident, not a word, medal, or penny comes down from the higher ups. Suspecting foul play, Grace disguises herself as a Fae and sneaks into the Upper Realm to get some answers. She anticipated being in way over her head, but the Fae soldier who catches her fleeing an angry bar and discovers her identity only a day in? Not so much.
Now Grace is forced to drag Aiden along as she tries to work out exactly how and why her brother died. Along the way, she has no choice but to confront her prejudices against the Fae as she attempts to sort out the difference between the honest and the dishonest. Political conspiracies, demon realm escapades, and family secrets will all lead Grace to the answers she’s looking for… and some that she isn’t.